Ways to support
Your support is very important to be able to continue executing each of our projects and to continue changing lives. If you would like to be part of our mission, we share the ways you can support us:
You can make a financial donation through the following bank accounts:
Nombre de la cuenta: Youth Constructing Dreams Filia
Número de cuenta: 3251 5768 7611
Banco: Bank of America
Depósito a través de Zelle
Número telefónico: +1 (559) 631-3163
Correo: youthconstructingdreams@fundafilia.org
Banco: Banco Agrícola de El Salvador

Be part of our management teams:
Be part of our support network in any of the management groups. Contact us at +1 (559) 631-3163 to receive more information.
Sponsor a child – young person
It is part of the lives of our benefited children and young people in El Salvador. Contact us at +1 (559) 631-3163 to receive more information.

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